The shared task on "Empowering the Fact-checkers! Automatic Identification of Claim Spans on Twitter" invites participation in the following task:
January 19, 2023: Release of the training set
May 11, 2023 (Might be changed): Release of the test set
More details can be referred from the paper:
For queries, please reach out to the following:
Kshitij Alwadhi:
Shivam Sharma:
Submission Details will be added here! (Stay Tuned)
We'll be using token-F1 scores for evaluation. Here's a link to a jupyter notebook explaining the evaluation schema we'll be following in the autograder so that you can judge the performance on your dev sets:
You are not required to make any submissions during the development phase.
Submissions must be made before the end of the testing phase. You may submit 5 submissions every day and 100 in total.
Start: May 5, 2023, 6:29 p.m.
Description: Final Phase: create models and submit predictions on the test data. Your performance will be displayed on the leaderboard
May 12, 2023, 9:29 p.m.
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