
Organized by meghas - Current server time: Jan. 9, 2025, 8:18 p.m. UTC

First phase

Test Phase
Jan. 6, 2022, 4 a.m. UTC


Competition Ends
Aug. 15, 2023, noon UTC

The CONSTRAINT-2022 shared task on the topic "Hero, Villain and Victim: Dissecting harmful memes for Semantic role labelling of entities" invites participation in the following task:

  • Role labeling for memes: The second subtask emphasizes detecting which entities are glorified, vilified or victimized, within a meme. Assuming the frame of reference as the meme author's perspective, the objective is to classify for a given pair of a meme and an entity, whether the entity is being referenced as Hero vs. Villain vs. Victim vs. Other, within that meme.

       Important Dates:

  • January 6, 2022: Release of the training set

  • March 8, 2022 (AOE): Release of the test set

  • March 12, 2022 (AOE): Deadline for submitting final results

  • March 25, 2022: System paper submission deadline

  • April 5, 2022: Notification of acceptance

  • April 10, 2022: Camera-ready papers due


More details can be referred from the shared-task web page: 

For queries, please reach out to the following:

Shivam Sharma:

Tharun Suresh:

Shared Task: Hero, Villain and Victim: Dissecting harmful memes for Semantic role labelling of entities

Definition: Given a meme and an entity, determine the role* of the entity in the meme: hero vs. villain vs. victim vs. other.

*The meme is to be analyzed from the perspective of the author of the meme

Definition of the Entity Classes



  • The entity is presented in a positive light

  • Glorified for their actions conveyed via the meme or gathered from background context


  • The entity is portrayed negatively, e.g., in an association with adverse traits like wickedness, cruelty, hypocrisy, etc. 


  • The entity is portrayed as suffering the negative impact of someone else’s actions or conveyed implicitly within the meme.


  • The entity is not a hero, a villain, or a victim.

Evaluation Criteria

The official evaluation measure for the shared task is the weighted F1 score for the multi-class classification.


**Please note: The results and the leader-board will be made visible after release of the test set (March 8, 2022 (AOE))
Details can also be referred from the shared-task web page:

Terms and Conditions

System description paper: All teams/participants will be invited to submit their models as short papers to be included in the proceedings. Based on the reviewers' comments, we will decide which papers to be accepted. There will be two types of papers:

  1. Archival: These articles will be published by Springer. At least one author must register for the workshop in that case.
  2. (optional) Non-archival: These articles will not be published in the proceedings. They will be (optionally) presented as posters and we will put up an (optional) link to them on our website. 


Test Phase

Start: Jan. 6, 2022, 4 a.m.

Description: Test Phase

Competition Ends

Aug. 15, 2023, noon

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