AraFinNLP SharedTask 2024 (Subtask 2 - Cross-dialect Translation)

Organized by ezzini - Current server time: Feb. 22, 2025, 6:09 a.m. UTC


May 13, 2024, 11:59 p.m. UTC


May 13, 2024, 11:59 p.m. UTC


Competition Ends
April 25, 2024, 11 p.m. UTC
No files have been added for this competition yet.


Start: April 5, 2024, midnight

Description: Development phase: Develop your models and submit the translation on the DEV set of subtask 2. Note: The name of your submission should be '' that includes a csv file of your prediction. Also, the submission file should include the substring _pred_ in the filename (e.g., A submission '' that is the zip file of my first prediction, 'BZU_subtask1_dev_pred_1.csv'.). Your submission should exactly have "QueryID","Moroccan","PAL","Saudi", and "Tunisian" columns in this order. QueryID should contain the query identifiers from the given data and the each other column should contain the translations in the target dialect. Note: PAL is for Palestinian. Make sure that your submission has the same number of lines as the Dev set.


Start: April 25, 2024, midnight

Description: Test phase: Submit your prediction labels on the TEST set of subtask 1. Each team is allowed a maximum of 5 submissions. Note: The name of your submission should be '' that includes a csv file of your predictions. Also, the submission file should include the substring _pred_ in the filename (e.g., A submission '' that is the zip file of my prediction, 'BZU_subtask2_test_pred_1.csv'.). Your submission should exactly have "QueryID","Moroccan","PAL","Saudi", and "Tunisian" columns in this order. QueryID should contain the query identifiers from the given data and the each other column should contain the translations in the target dialect. Note: PAL is for Palestinian. Make sure that your submission has the same number of lines as the Test set.


Start: May 13, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

Description: Post-Evaluation: Submit your prediction labels on the TEST set of subtask 1. Each team is allowed a maximum of 3 submissions. Note: The name of your submission should be '' that includes a text file of your predictions. Also, the submission file should include the substring _pred_ in the filename (e.g., A submission '' that is the zip file of my prediction, 'BZU_subtask2_test_pred_1.json'.)

Competition Ends

April 25, 2024, 11 p.m.

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