AI4VA Depth Ordering Competition 2024

Organized by baharay - Current server time: Sept. 7, 2024, 11:21 p.m. UTC


Development Phase
June 5, 2024, midnight UTC


Competition Ends
Sept. 16, 2024, noon UTC
Download Size (mb) Phase
Starting Kit 3.151 #1 Development Phase
Public Data 0.061 #1 Development Phase

Development Phase

Start: June 5, 2024, midnight

Description: Submit results on the test set for the AI4VA Depth Ordering Competition. Do not forget to COMPRESS your predictions in a ZIP file. Please note that the number of your predictions should exactly match the number of segments in the GT. Otherwise, your score will be displayed as "999". Check the files for an example submission.

Competition Ends

Sept. 16, 2024, noon

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# Username Score
1 no_problem 1.961
2 neirnpola 1.997
3 cjkecnjak 2.003