SMM4H'18 - Shared Task

Organized by ivanflores - Current server time: March 29, 2025, 9:10 a.m. UTC


Task1 Medication classification, Post-Eval
April 19, 2020, midnight UTC


Task2 Intake classification, Post-Eval
April 19, 2020, midnight UTC


Competition Ends
No files have been added for this competition yet.

Task1 Medication classification, Post-Eval

Start: April 19, 2020, midnight

Description: File name must be 'prediction_task1.tsv' and include columns: 'tweet_id' and 'Class' (Class is the column that contains the prediction)

Task2 Intake classification, Post-Eval

Start: April 19, 2020, midnight

Description: File name must be 'prediction_task2.tsv' and include columns: 'tweet_id' and 'Class' (Class is the column that contains the prediction)

Competition Ends


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