NTIRE 2023 Image Super-Resolution (x4) Forum

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> About the submit faild

The folder of our submission:
| DIC2K_valid.zip (101 files)
| - | 0801x4.png
| - | 0802x4.png
| - | ...
| - | 0900x4.png
| - | 0900x4.png
| - | readme.txt

The content in readme.txt (4 lines):
runtime per image [s] : 10.43
CPU[1] / GPU[0] : 1
Extra Data [1] / No Extra Data [0] : 1
Other description : Solution based on A+ of Timofte et al. ACCV 2014. We have a Matlab/C++ implementation, and report single core CPU runtime. The method was trained on Train 91 of Yang et al. and BSDS 200 of the Berkeley segmentation dataset.

but it always failed, could you figure out our mistakes during submission

WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/codalab/tmph2TRAA/run/program/evaluation.py", line 258, in <module>
raise Exception('Expected %d .png images'%len(ref_pngs))
Exception: Expected 100 .png images
Error occured while parsing readme.txt
Please make sure you have a line for runtime, cpu/gpu, extra data and other (4 lines in total).
Parsed information:
Runtime: -1.000000
Data: -1

Posted by: ZhijunTu @ Feb. 16, 2023, 3 a.m.

The zip archive should contain no folders/subfolders.
The files should be placed in the root of zip archive.

Posted by: Radu.Timofte @ Feb. 16, 2023, 4:44 a.m.
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