> Final phase starting now!

Dear participants

Thank you so much for your interest and participation in the DAVINCIS@IberLEF2023 shared tasks. This email is to let you know that (unlabeled) test data has been released and the final phase of the shared task has begun (go to participate tab-> files). In this phase you are expected to provide predictions for the test set. Please remember a couple of things for this phase:

1) Please add a keyword (either TXT, IMG or TXT+IMG) to the filename of every submission in this phase (e.g., submission1-TXT.zip) to indicate the modality(ies) that your model is using in each of your submissions. This is critical for us to track the type of systems and prepare the overview results for the systems.

2) Please remember that each team/participant has a quote of 10 submissions max.

3) The leaderboard will be hidden for you during this phase, and it will be released at the of the phase.

In addition, we would like to remind you the forthcoming deadlines:
+ End of final phase, May 21st,
+ Deadline for working note submission, June 10th (detailed instructions will be provided later, but please start working on your reports so that you can finish it on time)

Thanks once again for your participation, looking forward to receiving your submissions,

Best of luck,

The organizing team.

Posted by: hugojair @ May 10, 2023, 1:35 p.m.
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