I would like to ask, how long does it usually take for everyone to download and apply for certification? I saw that some contestants said that it takes a week to apply for certification. How long does it really take?
Also, it will take a long time to start downloading this large data set after the certification application is passed, right? In the end, there is really not much time to actually train the model. I think this will not allow the contestants to do their best.
Other participants can tell you their personal experiences, but for those who have successfully registered, the average waiting time to be credentialed is well under a week. It appears that downloading the dataset now may take several days (using the provided "wget" command) due to a change on PhysioNet's end; there is, however, another download option through Google Cloud buckets that should be far faster. Even if these steps take longer than expected, this should still give you over a month to develop models and participate in the competition. Hope to see you participate!
Greg Holste | CXR-LT Organizer
Posted by: gholste @ May 23, 2023, 6:05 p.m.