CXR-LT: Multi-Label Long-Tailed Classification on Chest X-Rays Forum

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> Inquiry about paper submission deadline and title

Thank you for organizing this great competition.

The deadline on the codalab paper is 7/28 and on the CVAMD site it is 7/20.
Which deadline is correct?

And should I include the name of the competition in the title?
Or is a simple title with only the methodology acceptable?

Posted by: YYama @ July 13, 2023, 12:01 a.m.

Good question. CXR-LT paper submissions are due 7/28. For submission purposes, CXR-LT is an independent track within CVAMD with its own set of due dates, reviewers, acceptance criteria, etc. Please follow the competition submission instructions ( to submit to the proper track.

No need to include the competition name in your title. Feel free to title it however you want!

Greg Holste | CXR-LT Organizer

Posted by: gholste @ July 13, 2023, 2:02 a.m.

Thank you for your response!
The rankings may not be good, but I worked on a lot of things, so I write the solution.

Posted by: YYama @ July 16, 2023, 11:35 a.m.

Fantastic! We encourage everyone who participated to submit a paper. Remember that we will use both ranking and technical novelty/paper quality to determine which submissions are accepted.

Greg Holste | CXR-LT Organizer

Posted by: gholste @ July 16, 2023, 1:40 p.m.
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