Created a zip file named "" containing the "predictions.txt" file and the "metadata.txt" file in the format as described by the competition hosts.
After filling in the required fields and uploading the zip file, I get a "an unexpected error occurred" browser alert and nothing else.
No files appear in the files tab. Nothing shows up in the "Here are your submissions to date" table either.
Am I the only one experiencing this, or is this still related to the current issue [1]? Also do these failed submissions count towards my quota?
Posted by: jwnz @ Aug. 12, 2023, 8:15 a.m.Dear Jwnz,
I do not see submission with your username and your number of entries is still 0, meaning your quota remains unchanged. That's the good news.
The not-so-good news is that, if I can't see your submission, I can't assess whether the problem is on your side or Codalab's. That being said, I would lean towards Codalab's as they are still experiencing some issues with the worker queues.
No announcement yet as to when we can expect it to be resolved but they have added workers to the default queue. Try again to submit in a little while and it may (hopefully) work fine.
When checking the request data sent to and received from the server when submitting, I get a status code 500 with the following response body:
<h1>The CodaLab site is currently unavailable.</h1>
<p>Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.</p>
<p>Please try again later.</p>