NTIRE 2022 High Dynamic Range Challenge - Track 2 Low-complexity (fidelity constrain) Forum

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> Gpu out of memory in new scoring scripts

Hi, I have a question: If we can change the input size from (1,3,3,1060,1900) to (1,3,3,256,256) in scoring script? Our model has a high memory usage but a low number of operations, it's a little bit difficult for us to modify model start over.

Posted by: ACALJJ32 @ Feb. 25, 2022, 6:41 a.m.

Hello ACALJJ32,

Participants need to measure the runtime and number of operations corresponding to processing a full image triplet, i.e. 1060x1900, and therefore you can not modify the size to be arbitrarily 256x256. Inside your model you can apply any pre and post-processing necessary (e.g. downsampling, patch-processing).

Best regards,

Posted by: EPerezPellitero @ March 1, 2022, 5:34 p.m.
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