NTIRE 2022 High Dynamic Range Challenge - Track 2 Low-complexity (fidelity constrain) Forum

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> question about dataset

I have a question about dataset:
Are gt images saved after gamma correction(or linear images)?
For evalution,should the results be saved as linear or non-linear?

Posted by: baolong @ Feb. 28, 2022, 7 a.m.

Dear Baolong,

The answer to this and further information about the challenge's data characteristics can be found under "Participate // Get Data // Data format". GT images are saved after gamma correction so that their luminance is aligned with the middle input frame. Please refer to said section of the challenge data description to know more about how to linearize data (i.e. CRF is not known nor provided).

As for how to save the images, you should save the results in any way you see fit such that it maximizes PSNR to the corresponding ground-truth images. You can find a non-prescriptive example on how to read and save images in the io_usage_example.py file.

Best regards,

Posted by: EPerezPellitero @ March 18, 2022, 5:55 p.m.
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