For Task 1, can we use different thresholds for each ethnicity-gender test-sets?
For Task 2, can we use different thresholds for each of the test-sets?
Only databases indicated for TRAINING in the specific sub-task can be used to compute the threshold of your face recognition system.
Please note that the comparison files provided for evaluation cannot be used to fix the threshold (this is why they do not contain any labels). In this sense, specific thresholds may be utilized for distinct groups, provided that they are established during the TRAINING process, and the assignment of the evaluated images to their respective groups is not determined based on the filename.
In case you decide to utilize multiple thresholds for a single system (e.g., for different ethnicities), we will request you to provide a detailed explanation of the methodology employed to fix the thresholds.
Posted by: FRCSyn @ Oct. 23, 2023, 8:05 a.m.