NTIRE 2022 Stereo Image Super-Resolution Challenge Forum

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> Why using test LR images is not allowed?

Dear Organizers,

I would much appreciate if you share your reasons why using test input images are not allowed. Some participants including me could contribute to this challenge by proposing/developing self-supervised approaches (or by modifying existing ones).

IPG team

Posted by: ipg_mrc @ March 26, 2022, 12:19 p.m.


Before the competition begins, we have discussed about ZSSR-like methods among all organizers. Considering ZSSR-like methods are mainly developed for blind SR to handle diverse degradations while the degradation is fixed to bicubic in this competition, we finally decided to prohibit the use of LR test images at this year for more simple, fair, and tractable comparison. However, it is welcomed to submit your results with a fact sheet to clarify your method. If test LR images are used for training, your results may not be included for the final ranking but we could include your method in our challenge report to shed some light on future works.

Best Regards,

Posted by: Rogen @ March 27, 2022, 1:21 a.m.
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