Trying to submit exactly the same code as Phase 1 (except for selecting the right output size only by changing the indexing) I got this error:
File "/multiverse/storage/lattari/Prj/postdoc/Courses/AN2DL_2023/Competition2_running_dir/worker_gpu5_dir/tmp/codalab/tmpVqDIMj/run/program/", line 127, in
raise Exception('Attempting to use prohibited code: {}. Bye!'.format(b_k))
Exception: Attempting to use prohibited code: print. Bye!
What could be the reason? Exception message is not so clear...
Posted by: FilippoDallac @ Dec. 20, 2023, 8:48 p.m.Solved! Just forgot to delete a "print()" in the code...
I'll leave the thread here if anybody has the same issue