Hi Dear Organizers,
I am asking about whether the test phase will show results to participants (at least to themselves). In earlier competitions, some will show the results, but some will hide (so users choose a random version blindly).
Will these results be open for this competition?
Posted by: q-align @ Feb. 23, 2024, 5:59 a.m.Dear q-align,
We will discuss it and decide whether we will post the results for each participant during the test period. However, the test results of all teams will not be visible for each team to avoid some tricks, which will not be fair.
Best wishes!
Xin Li
Dear Xin,
Thank you about this information. We will keep working on our method to improve its robustness.
q-align team
Dear organizers,
Have you decided whether to post the results for each participant during the test period?
Posted by: Caesar_D @ March 16, 2024, 10:09 a.m.Dear participant,
We will decide it based on voting results by 2:00 PM UTC on 16/03/2024.
Posted by: Xin.Li @ March 16, 2024, 10:14 a.m.