[Task 1] CXR-LT: Long-tailed, multi-label, and zero-shot classification on chest X-rays Forum

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> Winner Solution Paper

Are winners supposed to write a paper explaining the solution like last year's ICCV competition?

Posted by: dongkyunk @ June 17, 2024, 12:50 a.m.

Hi Dongkyun,

MICCAI challenges are generally "non-archival" events, meaning the materials are not published in MICCAI proceedings. Since CXR-LT is an official MICCAI 2024 challenge, that means no individual published papers from top-performing teams this year. However, top performers will win a cash prize, give an oral presentation at our MICCAI 2024 challenge event in Marrakesh, and serve as coauthors in a challenge overview paper after the event.

Also note that evaluation is independent for each task, meaning you can win cash prizes in multiple tasks. We tentatively plan to give an additional award (with cash prize) to the team with outstanding aggregate performance across all tasks.

Greg Holste | CXR-LT Organizer

Posted by: CXR-LT-2024 @ June 17, 2024, 4:55 p.m.

Hi Greg ,

Are we free to publish papers in other conferences for solutions that we used in these tasks?

Best, DK

Posted by: dongkyunk @ June 17, 2024, 5:35 p.m.

Basically, you are free to preprint but cannot submit your paper to a journal/conference if you wish to be a coauthor on the overview paper. Here's the relevant excerpt from our official publication policy (from https://zenodo.org/records/10991413):

"Participating teams may post preprints of their challenge solutions (e.g., on arXiv), which we will cite in our challenge overview paper as appropriate, after the competition. If a team wishes to publish their own paper, they must either waive their right to coauthor the challenge summary paper or wait until after the summary paper is published to submit their own paper."

Greg Holste | CXR-LT Organizer

Posted by: CXR-LT-2024 @ June 17, 2024, 6:41 p.m.
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