ADRENALIN - Load disaggregation Challenge: Energy use in buildings Forum

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> Relation between main_meter(kW) and PV_battery_system(kW) readings

This is a 2 part question
1. I see some of the main_meter readings as negative. Why is it so?
2. Does the PV battery system provide supplemental power to the building, reducing the main-meter readings? Or are main_meter and PV_battery_system readings independent of each other?

Posted by: manojgopale @ July 18, 2024, 9:58 p.m.

As you first said, the PV Battery system is part of the main meter readings.
Main meter readings can become negative when electricity is sold back to the power grid.

Posted by: bat @ July 19, 2024, 8 a.m.

Hi, thank you for the Q&A but I don't understand how we should use PV_battery_system.
We are asked to find the heating/cooling part of the load, does it mean the load is main_meter + PV_battery_system ?
If I understand correctly,
- when PV_battery_system > 0, the PV generation feeds the building or the battery (or both);
- when PV_battery_system < 0, the PV generation feeds the grid, and potentially also the building.
Is that correct?

Posted by: Viking @ Aug. 2, 2024, 2:40 p.m.


The PV battery system is metered together, so when the PV is charging the batteries, it is not visible in the measurements.

When the values are positive, electricity flows from the PV/batteries towards the rest of the building. When it goes to the power grid it also goes through the main meter.
Negative values are associated with electricity flowing towards the PV/battery system, from the building (from the grid through the main meter.)

I hope this helps!

Posted by: bat @ Aug. 2, 2024, 3:48 p.m.

Yes, it is clear for me now, thank you!

Posted by: Viking @ Aug. 3, 2024, 9:59 a.m.
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