4th Monocular Depth Estimation Challenge @ CVPR25 Forum

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> Submission File Exceeds 300 MB — Any Tips?

Hi everyone!

I’m experimenting with the baseline Depth Anything V2 model and just wanted to practice the submission pipeline on the SYNS-Patches val set. However, my zipped .npz file easily exceeds 300 MB. I’ve tried a few tricks:

float16 results in an OpenCV error (cv2.resize doesn’t support float16),
uint16 and uint8 cause PyTorch’s evaluator to crash because it calls torch.finfo() on the predictions, expecting a floating dtype,
If I stick to float32 raw, I end up with ~1 GB.
I’m currently exploring per-image normalization to [0..1] in float32, then np.savez_compressed, which helps, but I’m still hovering near 300+ MB.

Has anyone found a good approach that keeps file size under 300 MB and avoids the grader errors? Do you do a specific float quantization, or do you downsample, or something else? I’d love any advice before moving on to my custom-trained models!

Thanks in advance!

Posted by: Theonewhomadethings @ Feb. 16, 2025, 6:37 a.m.

I am having the same issue. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated...

Posted by: goowfd @ Feb. 18, 2025, 7:14 p.m.
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