QuALES@IberLEF2022: Question Answering Learning from Examples in Spanish Forum

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> Official evaluation results published

Dear participants,

You can find the official results of the competition on the main page: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/2619
In the two results tables you will find the best scores obtained by each participant for each of the metrics. Please notice that the best exact match and F1 scores might have been obtained on different submissions by the same user.

You will see that some of the positions might have changed from the evaluation leaderboard. This is because of two things:
- Codalab showed the latest submission of each participant by default, which was not necessarily the one with the highest scores.
- The highest score in exact match for a participant might be in a different submission from the highest score in F1 overlap.

That is why we decided to show two separate tables for the metrics, and we hid the evaluation phase leaderboard to avoid confusion.

Please use the results and ranking shown in the Results section when writing your system description papers.

QuALES organizers

Posted by: pln_udelar @ June 1, 2022, 3:06 p.m.
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