QuALES@IberLEF2022: Question Answering Learning from Examples in Spanish Forum

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> Test set with answers published

Dear participants,

We have published the test corpus with their corresponding answers. You can download the data by accessing the Public Data from the Post-Evaluation phase in the Files section. You can use the corpus and the answers to make your own analysis of results for your system description papers.

Also, remember that we are currently in the post-evaluation phase. You can now make any number of submissions you want and they will be evaluated against the test set and shown in the post-evaluation leaderboard. But remember these new results are not part of the competition, which already finished, so for your system descriptions you should use the official results table indicated in the main page.

QuALES organizers

Posted by: pln_udelar @ June 8, 2022, 2:41 p.m.
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