PRINCE Out-of-distribution Generalization Challenge @ ECML-PKDD Forum

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> Allowing submission after competition end for learning purposes similar to kaggle

Hi folks,

I know that the competition is over and everything but I was wondering if it would be possible to continue allowing submissions in the leaderboard for learning purposes?
Kaggle does this so that people can improve on their skills even after the competition has ended.

Basically we would only need the submission and leaderboard system to be functional so that people can continue experimenting or to simply find out whether ideas that didn't make it to the final phase would work otherwise or not?


Posted by: xtreme @ June 15, 2022, 12:15 p.m.

So yes we are thinking about that.

One caveat is that we don't want people to over-fit the test set by running the competition indefinitely. I think it is especially a problem in OOD.

When/if we find a good solution we'll open it for sure.

Posted by: eustache @ July 8, 2022, 8:22 a.m.
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