MAFAT Challenge - WiFi Sensing: Non Invasive Human Presence Detection - Track 1 Forum

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> Can the test window of size 360 contain data from more than one device id ?

Since the size of the batch for test data = 360 which is fixed and occurs every 0.5 seconds, the data across a single batch for prediction will come from a single device right ?

As exploring the training data I can see for the same room and for the same time we have data from multiple device ids. For example given Room_Num = 1 and Time = 2, we have a total of 14 rows coming from 14 different devices

Posted by: devnikhilmishra @ May 19, 2022, 11:13 a.m.

Yes, the test data across a single window for prediction (360 samples) will come from a single device.
MAFAT Challenge Team

Posted by: MAFAT_Challenge @ May 19, 2022, 1:49 p.m.
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