MAFAT Challenge - WiFi Sensing: Non Invasive Human Presence Detection - Track 1 Forum

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> Devices and occupancy

Can I assume that if the label is more than 0, then it's mean that some of the recorded devices are in the room
(i.e., if the label is 2; excatly 2 of the recorded devices at this time are inside the room)?


Posted by: ShaiShlomai @ June 12, 2022, 7:26 a.m.

No, you cannot assume it.
The label describes the number of people in the room.
The number of connected edge devices does not affect the number of people in the room.
The people that were inside the room during the experiment did not carry connected devices with them.
MAFAT Challenge Team

Posted by: MAFAT_Challenge @ June 12, 2022, 2:06 p.m.
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