> when I submit my code, I get the result "failed"

Dear participant,

To know the reason for the error you should first check the "ingestion error log" that can be downloaded for each submission from the Participate tab. If there is no error in that file, you should check the "ingestion output log". If everything is correct, at the end of the file you will see the message "Ingestion program finished successfully", otherwise, you will see a message indicating the problem with your submission. If there are no errors in both files, you should also check the "scoring error log" and the "scoring output log".

I checked your submission and you will find the error "MyMetaLearner and MyLearner not found in /tmp/codalab/tmptm2MfD/run/program/model.py" in the "ingestion output log". This error is generally caused when "MyMetaLearner" or "MyLearner" are not declared in model.py. However, in this case, the cause for this error is that you are importing a library before installing it. If you move lines 20 and 21 after line 47, you will be able to run your solution.

Please let us know in case of any further issues.

Best regards,
Dustin Carrión
(for the MetaDL challenge organizing team)

Posted by: dustinc @ July 19, 2022, 1:34 p.m.

Thank you very much for your reply!However, when I move lines 20 and 21 after line 47,i also meet the problem:"MyMetaLearner and MyLearner not found in model.py".and sometimes, I run my code in vscode , i usually meet the same problem.But it already have "from api import MetaLearner, Learner, Predictor" in my code, and I don't know how to solve this problem.

Posted by: XtYin @ July 19, 2022, 5:13 p.m.

Dear participant,

I will check it and I will write you back as soon as I have find the problem.

Best regards,
Dustin Carrión
(for the MetaDL challenge organizing team)

Posted by: dustinc_test @ July 19, 2022, 5:59 p.m.

Dear participant,

I have checked your last submission (test5) and found the error. There is a syntax error in line 325 "model: model,", it should be just "model,". I have corrected that error and was able to run it without problems.

Please let us know if the problem persists.

Best regards,
Dustin Carrión
(for the MetaDL challenge organizing team)

Posted by: dustinc_test @ July 19, 2022, 8:33 p.m.
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