AutoML2022: Multiobjective Hyperparameter Optimization for Transformers Forum

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> How can I change the name displayed in the results?

Hi organizers,

I am currently participating with the displayed name of nabenabe0928, but I would like to change the displayed name to "AutoML Freiburg".

I changed my user setting from my setting page, but it doesn't reflect to the displayed name.
Is there any other way to change the name?
If not, we are thinking of creating the name, but does that work for you?

Best regards,


Posted by: nabenabe0928 @ June 5, 2022, 4:31 p.m.

I'm not sure if it's possible to change the name on the leaderboard. I found some old discussion posts saying it's not possible, but I don't know the current status. I also couldn't find anything in my interface to change the name. So I guess the easiest thing is to create a new name and resubmit like you mentioned.

Posted by: kevinduh @ June 6, 2022, 1:48 a.m.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the response.
Then I will create another account:)

Best regards,


Posted by: nabenabe0928 @ June 6, 2022, 5:31 a.m.
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