ECCV'22 ChaLearn Sign Spotting Challenge Challenge (track 1: MSSL) Forum

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> Question regarding the contest registration

I have registered for the competition and I wish to form a team. What is the procedure of forming a team in this contest? If it is not possible, can a team submit under one participant's name?

Posted by: seshadri_c @ May 23, 2022, 6:35 a.m.

Dear participant,
you can form a team. On codalab, you can edit your profile and define a "team name", which will appear on the leaderboard. This way, different users from the same team could be easily identified.
However, according to the rules of the challenge (i.e., terms and conditions), you should take into account some specific conditions, such as:
- "The participants will be registered as mutually exclusive teams. Each team may submit one single final entry."
- "The maximum number of submissions per participant at the test stage will be set to 3. Participants are not allowed to create multiple accounts to make additional submissions. The organizers may disqualify suspicious submissions that do not follow this rule."
Also note that Codalab will keep on the leaderboard the last valid submission. This helps participants to receive real-time feedback on the submitted files. Participants are responsible to upload the file they believe will rank them in a better position as a last and valid submission.
I hope this clarifies your question.

Posted by: juliojj @ May 23, 2022, 9:37 a.m.
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