ECCV DeeperAction Challenge - SportsMOT Track on Multi-actor Tracking Forum

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> Submit error.

Hi, as required in the testing phase I only need to upload the results of 150 test sequences. But I encountered the following error:
error logs:
WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/codalab/tmpMpWX91/run/program/", line 22, in
File "/tmp/codalab/tmpMpWX91/run/program/", line 47, in process
"Uploaded results are not one-to-one matches to the test set.")
Exception: Uploaded results are not one-to-one matches to the test set.

Can you help me find out why? Thanks.

Posted by: xiaochangcheng @ June 2, 2022, 2:18 a.m.

Thanks for your valuable feedback. We have updated our evaluation program.
Re-submit your results of 150 videos again to see if it works :)

Posted by: XiaoyuZhao @ June 2, 2022, 12:58 p.m.

Hi, the same error is still there. I checked that indeed the submission is for 150 result files of the test set. Is there a record of a successful submission now?

Posted by: xiaochangcheng @ June 2, 2022, 2:31 p.m.

Maybe something went wrong. We have cleared the cache and rechecked the scoring program. Our own test looks fine now.
Please try again. Submit a zip of 150 files. Thanks :)

Posted by: XiaoyuZhao @ June 3, 2022, 3:02 a.m.

Thanks. It works now. But I can only see an overall score, which should be HOTA. At the table of Test Set of SportsMOT (Ranked by HOTA), I can see the result submitted by XiaoyuZhao.
Won't the results I submit show up on the leaderboard? How can I see the results of all the metrics I submitted?
By the way, is the number of failed submissions included in the total number of 50 submissions?

Posted by: xiaochangcheng @ June 3, 2022, 3:48 a.m.

1. Once the program finishes, HOTA will be directly presented as "score". If you want to see the detailed results given by TrackEval, please [Download output from scoring step]. You will get an ``, in which there is a `scores.txt`
And you can also submit to leaderboard to see the detailed results. It's not submitted by default.
2. AFAIK, failed submissions are included in the total number of 50 submissions

Posted by: XiaoyuZhao @ June 3, 2022, 6:06 a.m.

There was a little problem. I submitted three copies of the same results, the first two failed because of the evaluation program, and the last one succeeded. But now there are only two failures left in the submission record, and the last one disappeared! Also, I can't see the results submitted by XiaoyuZhao, I think you have cleared them at the backend. Please delete my two failed records as well, after all, they are caused by the review program.

Posted by: xiaochangcheng @ June 3, 2022, 6:44 a.m.

Thanks for the feedbacks. I will check them.
I've also noticed that the evaluation programs sometimes failed due to the environment error rather than the submitted data. Please resubmit when it's necessary.

Posted by: XiaoyuZhao @ June 9, 2022, 3:31 a.m.

I got same errors. I have checked the matching of split_txt/test.txt and submitted results , which seems well

Posted by: finalcode @ June 21, 2022, 12:31 a.m.
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