AIM 2022 Reversed ISP Challenge - Track 2 P20 Forum

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> Unable to complete submission

Hi there!
I am getting this error since my 5th submission::

WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/codalab/tmp1JBrzN/run/program/", line 101, in
assert (np.min(res_im) >= 0) and (np.max(res_im) <= 1)

Can anyone please help me to fix it?

Posted by: CVRG @ June 26, 2022, 8:38 a.m.

Hello, we did not modify anything at the scoring/validation server, therefore it should work as previous weeks. I checked other participant's submissions and I don't see any "general" problem.
the "WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap." is codalab's internal server limit, sometimes due to concurrent submissions it crashes, the best is to wait, refresh and resubmit.

assert (np.min(res_im) >= 0) and (np.max(res_im) <= 1)
the assertion error indicates that some images were not in the proper range, I know you did good submissions in the past but just in case pls check
if the error persists please contact me via email

Posted by: nanashi @ July 3, 2022, 6:53 p.m.
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