at evaluation we can read:
under "results" folder, save the unfiltered images as PNG files in separate folders for each instance with their corresponding filter names, e.g., the unfiltered images of the 147th instance should be saved as "results/147/147_X-ProII.png", ..., "results/147/147_1977.png.
for each instance we have 15 outputs (1 per filter, like "X-ProII", "1977"), therefore the PSNR for the instance i (for example 147) is the mean of the PSNR between the ground-truth and each of the 15 unfiltered images? I assume the PSNR is calculated as the mean of all the comparisons of i instances x 15 , right?
Yes, you are correct.
Posted by: birdortyedi @ June 2, 2022, 9:57 a.m.