NeurIPS 2022 CausalML Challenge: Causal Insights for Learning Paths in Education Forum

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> relationship between bot_action and construct_* probabilities

Kindly explain more details on relationship between bot_action and construct_* probabilities in a given row for selected student.

provided document says, "The first row of student_id represents the starting time of the learning path. bot_action specifies the construct index the bot assigns to the student to learn at that time. The possible assignment is [0, . . . , number of construct − 1]. construct_* is a value between 0 and 1, representing the probability of correctly answering a multiple choice question related to that construct."

But for me it is less clear to understand what given probabilities says about each construct with respective bot_action and selected student.

For example, if bot_action for student_0 is 3 at row_1, then what will be the probability of construct_3.

Thanks in advance!!

Posted by: Pallavi @ July 26, 2022, 1:39 a.m.


If the bot assigns construct 3 to this student at row 1, it means this student will learn the knowledge about construct 3. Then the probability of correctly answering construct_3-related (including construct 3 and all its children) questions should increase now (row 1) or sometime in the future (> row 1). Unfortunately, we cannot reveal the details about the underlying generating mechanism. Hope this will answer your question.

Posted by: WenboGong @ Aug. 1, 2022, 8:39 a.m.
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