We have reopened submissions for the detection track test phase for 5.5 hours as a grace period for teams who were unable to submit earlier. The validation phase is no longer accepting submissions, so teams will not be able to continue developing their methods during this time.
All the best,
Mantas (TDC co-organizer)
Could you please be more transparent about it because now it sounds very suspicious. Which teams and why were they unable to submit?
Posted by: pavel.pleskov @ Oct. 24, 2022, 5:59 p.m.Hello,
One team contacted us in the detection track forum a few hours ago and mentioned that they were not aware that the test phase was so short. We informed them that keeping the test phase open for longer would be unfair but that we could allow a grace period of a few hours so that they could make a submission to the test set (we decided on a period of 5.5 hours because some methods like Neural Cleanse can take a while to run). If you feel that this is unfair, I would be willing to revert the change. I may have misjudged that other participants would think that this is OK, but I understand if other participants would want the grace period removed and will do so immediately if asked.
All the best,
Mantas (TDC co-organizer)
Please send a private email to the organizers if you think that the grace period should be removed.
All the best,
Mantas (TDC co-organizer)
The grace period has been removed. No submissions were made during the period.
All the best,
Mantas (TDC co-organizer)
I understand that the rules are the rules and accept that the submissions are closed.
I would like to raise awareness that the reason I was caught by surprise about this is because the competition was composed of phases, detailed here: https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/5951#phases
Each phase mentions a start date and time with a description. The competition also has a publicly disclosed end-date and time which is the very last phase in the above link.
I was unable to find mention that each phase ends before the next and to me there was no reason to close a phase to have the next one open as they were all rather independent and could easily run simultaneously without any issues. That was the source of my request to keep it open. As each team was given a limited number of 5 trials, I didn't assume there would be any objections either. My bad. I believe part of this misunderstanding was due to my own interpretation, but it would have been great if in addition to a start date and time, there was also an explicit date and time for the end of each phase rather than leaving that implicit.
Regardless, the very brief grace period was not enough for me to make a single submission, so there should not be any feeling of unfairness due to this. I appreciate the availability of the organizers, their efforts in organizing this competition and regret any issues which arose from my involvement.
Kind regards.
Posted by: IRI @ Oct. 24, 2022, 8:13 p.m.