**Test Leaderboards Released**
We have released the test phase leaderboards for all competition tracks. These are available on the CodaLab pages and on the new leaderboards page of the competition website: https://trojandetection.ai/leaderboards
If you want to change your team name on the competition website leaderboards, please send us an email.
We plan to add additional baselines to these leaderboards in the coming days (ABS and Neural Cleanse, both of which perform similarly to the MNTD baseline), but otherwise they are final. The MNTD baselines and Evasive Trojans baseline on the CodaLab leaderboards are under the participant name "mmazeika". We cannot directly edit the CodaLab leaderboards, so these will remain as is. However, the baseline submissions have their proper method names in the website leaderboards.
**Workshop Schedule**
The schedule for the competition workshop has been finalized and is available on the workshop page of the competition website: https://trojandetection.ai/workshop
All the best,
Mantas (TDC co-organizer)