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> Questions: Twitter IDs, Annotation, and IAA

I've been going through the data and was wondering if these are tweets, doesn't this violate Twitter's terms and conditions? Sorry to ask, I only do because in other datasets I usually need to 'hydrate' content from twitter IDs. I was also wondering if you'd be able to provide documentation about how the dev and test sets were annotated (guidelines, interface, etc.) and any measure of IAA besides the already mentioned paper from Jiaxin Pei and David Jurgens (2020) and Jiaxin Pei et al. (2022), for instance the alpha for each tweet would be very useful. Thank you!

Posted by: dulup @ Nov. 20, 2022, 5:19 p.m.

I was thinking the same, compliance with terms and conditions associated with twitter data use

Posted by: usane001 @ Dec. 7, 2023, 1:11 p.m.
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