Hello! I'm Naoya from OpenPack Challenge Organizer Team.
"Tutorial_Basics_of_Modeling.ipynb" is intended to explain the basics of the work activity recognition model and is not intended to create a file for submission to the codalab.
The train/test split used in this notebook is different for the development and final phases.
If you wish to generate a submission.zip for the final phase, please make the following changes.
# cfg.dataset.split = optk.configs.datasets.splits.DEBUG_SPLIT # Comment out
cfg.dataset.split = optk.configs.datasets.splits.OPENPACK_CHALLENGE_2022_SPLIT # Add this line
See also https://github.com/open-pack/openpack-torch/issues/13 .
Posted by: Getty708 @ Jan. 13, 2023, 2:09 a.m.