> Bug in baseline ShortestPath solution?

I attempted to run the ShortestPath solution against provided test scenarios and I was consistently running into an error in airlift/solutions/baselines.py line 61. "dones" was None and so "dones[a]" was throwing an unhandled exception.
I did not get an error running the RandomAgent solution.
I was able to get ShortestPath to work by changing line 61 to check for None first:

if dones is not None and dones[a]:

Is it possible I messed up on my environment setup? Or is it correct that "dones" can be None?

Posted by: doug-l @ Jan. 16, 2023, 8:42 p.m.

To clarify, I ran into this issue when using the ShortestPath solution against the test scenarios downloaded from here: https://airliftchallenge.com/scenarios/scenarios_dev.zip
There was no error when running airlift-demo .

Posted by: doug-l @ Jan. 16, 2023, 9:47 p.m.
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