> the radius for the evaluation of task2

Dear organizers:
I am very excited to participate in the WASPSYN2023 challenge, but I have a question:
Is the radius of task 2 set too low in the evaluation code? The current setting is at 1.5, which means that any coordinates beyond this threshold are flagged as errors.
Please answer the above questions, thank you

Posted by: qicq1c @ March 27, 2023, 2:57 a.m.


Thanks for your interest in the challenge. Yes, we agree that the threshold is kind of small and we expect to make it larger in the evaluation code soon. We are actively deciding on a proper value at the moment and will send out another notification email.

Meanwhile, there's no need to worry about the low scores on the leaderboard as we will focus on the ranking when deciding winners, rather than the absolute scores.


WASPSYN Organizers

Posted by: Yicong_Li @ March 28, 2023, 10:54 p.m.
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