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> The numbers in the Frame/Image names meaning

What is the meaning of the 3 numbers appearing in each of the images (Frame column in meta data or image file names)?

Posted by: alextb @ March 9, 2023, 9:29 p.m.

The original image is divided into 1280x1280 size frames.
The frame's name: The first number indicates the original image from which the frame was taken, and the next two numbers indicate the "position" of the frame in the original image.
Note the x-coordinate axis runs from left to right, and the y-coordinate axis runs from top to bottom.

Frame 126_0_0
the original image is 126
and the frame was taken from the top left corner(0,0):
x axis: 0-1280
y axis: 0-1280

Frame 126_0_1280
the original image is 126
and the frame was taken from:
x axis: 1280-2560
y axis: 0-1280

MAFAT Challenge Team

Posted by: MAFAT_Challenge @ March 13, 2023, 11:49 a.m.
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