Speaker Attribution 2023 Competition Forum

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> Questions related to submission of manuscripts

Dear Organizers,

We are preparing our manuscript describing the cue and role prediction system we developed for Shared Task 1 (Bundestag-Debatten).

We would like to ask you:

- Could you provide us with a reference to cite the paper describing the dataset used in Task 1? This is the GePaDE dataset described here: https://github.com/umanlp/SpkAtt-2023/blob/master/doc/SpkAtt-Debates-Datasheet.pdf

- Could you provide a reference to cite the paper describing the annotation guidelines? This is probably the manuscript here: https://github.com/umanlp/SpkAtt-2023/blob/master/doc/Guidelines_SpeakerAttribution_in_Parliamentary_Debates-SpkAtt-2023_Task1.pdf

- Could you provide us with a reference to cite a paper describing Shared Task 1, if you have written a paper about it?

- How can we submit our manuscript to you? Should we email it to the addresses listed on CodaLab?

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,
Team CPAa

Posted by: sbi @ Aug. 5, 2023, 8:47 a.m.
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