CXR-LT: Multi-Label Long-Tailed Classification on Chest X-Rays Forum

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> [ICCV CVAMD 2023 ] Competition Call for Paper.

First of all, Thank you for hosting the competition.
But I am wondering about submitting a paper.

The first question is that Competition Site and ICCV CVAMD announcements accept 5 to 6 papers, are all 5 to 6 papers related to the solution or are they papers related to Medical diagnosis rather than Competition Solution?

As a second question, What rank do I need to be in the competition to submit a solution paper and be accepted?

Thanks for reading my email. I would appreciate a response to your earliest convenience.

Posted by: wongi_park @ June 9, 2023, 9:52 a.m.

These 5-6 accepted papers will be solutions to this challenge from eligible participants (i.e., must be part of a team making a CodaLab submission during the test phase with fully reproducible code). We will consider both technical novelty and final ranking when deciding which papers to accept.

We encourage all participants to write up their solution in the form of an ICCV paper and submit to the workshop. Since the test phase will have a private (hidden) leaderboard, participants will not know their final rank potentially until the CVAMD 2023 workshop. We cannot make any guarantees about which teams or papers will be accepted, but at this point your chances are quite good given that 9 participants are on the public leaderboard! A select number of authors from a subset of top-performing teams may additionally be included as coauthors on a challenge overview paper.

Greg Holste | CXR-LT Organizer

Posted by: gholste @ June 9, 2023, 5:56 p.m.

Could you provide more details about the paper submission?

For instance, should we include our team name in the paper? Are we allowed to use the public leaderboard to analyze results and so on? We would greatly appreciate more clarity on these points to help us write our paper effectively.

Thank you!

Posted by: v1olet @ July 7, 2023, 6:56 a.m.

ICCV CVAMD 2023 submission instructions can be found here: I will add this information to the CodaLab page as soon as possible, but there is an issue with the platform preventing me from doing this right now.

Review of CVAMD submissions will be single-blind, so please provide the full names and affiliations of all authors. You will be asked to provide your CodaLab team name/username during submission on CMT. Please fully describe your solution and results (including development phase performance) in the ICCV 2023 format. If you have any other questions, let me know or reach out to

Greg Holste | CXR-LT Organizer

Posted by: gholste @ July 7, 2023, 3:07 p.m.
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