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> Question: Merging Teammates into One Team

I need help with merging my teammates into a single team. I noticed there is an option in the settings for this purpose, but I'm unsure about the process. Do I simply need to list the IDs of my teammates?

I would greatly appreciate any guidance on this matter.

Posted by: Chaoju @ Aug. 16, 2023, 8:57 a.m.

Team Formation Guidelines: During Phase 1, participants enjoy the freedom to create teams, limited to a maximum of 5 members per team. Throughout this team formation phase, each participant (account) can independently submit their results. Once Phase 1 concludes, the winner team leaders are required to provide the roster of their team members. Subsequently, in the remaining competition duration, only submissions from team leaders will be accepted, with submissions from other team members prohibited.

Posted by: noahlabcausal @ Aug. 24, 2023, 1:44 p.m.
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