> Format of the attack file

Dear, Can you provide us with the format of the attack file that we have to submit. And how should we specify the name of the team we are attacking?

Posted by: LIFAnonymous @ July 6, 2023, 10:59 a.m.


First of all, please read the manual carefully. The manual covers everything you need to know about the data submission.

- You will specify the team you are attacking using the file name (estimated_teamXX.csv), where XX is the ID of the target team.
- Note that when preparing estimated_team??.csv files, the row index should start from 0. In other word, you should set 0 if you want to specify the first row of the original health data.

There are some reference scripts in the iPWS Cup 2023 GitHub repository (https://github.com/kikn88/ipwscup2023/), such as
- The sample attack script that will generate a sample of estimated index file in the correct format (rlink2.py)
- The data validator that will check if your estimated index file is in the correct format (checkE.py)

These scripts might clarify your question better.

Hope this helps

Posted by: igucci @ July 6, 2023, 12:04 p.m.
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