I am writing to kindly request the assistance regarding a persistent issue we have encountered in the Andi Challenge 2, specifically within Track 1 (videos) - Single Traj Task. Despite following the guidelines provided in the tutorials, our submissions continue to fail. This issue is particularly perplexing as we have successfully submitted entries for Track 2 (trajs) - Single Traj Task without any problems. We have updated each trajectory’s indices to correspond with the index of the first frame in the tiff files, as suggested. We would greatly appreciate any guidance or the correct submission format that might help us resolve this issue. Thank you.
Posted by: fengxc @ June 20, 2024, 6:34 p.m.Here is a simple example of our (failed) submission in fov_X file
Hey! We have also encountered such problems with similar format of submitting files. Are there any suggestions on the outputs of the VIP trajectory?
Posted by: alphayuan @ June 21, 2024, 6:51 a.m.Hi, It might better to check all files only contain 10 trajectories, they assigned unique index for each VIP but when two VIP overlaps at t=0, the video contain 11 indices. (one false index comes from index1 + index2)
Posted by: junwoo5071 @ June 21, 2024, 8:50 a.m.Thank you very much. After checking, we found that it was indeed the problem of VIP overlaps in the first frame. Thank you!
Posted by: fengxc @ June 21, 2024, 1:41 p.m.Hi! I am currently looking into this, there should not be overlapping VIP, as they are picked such as to be "distinguishable" in the first frame of the video.
As far as I could see, there is only one "faulty" EXP/FOV. Could you confirm that it is only in EXP = 4, FOV = 4 where you found the issue?
Posted by: gorka.munoz @ June 25, 2024, 9:36 a.m.Dear Gorka,
I remember that video(exp4, fov4) caused a false index as far as i know.
Dear Professor,
We can confirm that the overlapping VIP is only in EXP = 4, FOV = 4.
Best regards
Xiaochen Feng