WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/codalab/tmpWSP8zK/run/program/evaluate.py", line 83, in
score_task = evaluate_tasks[task](pred, gt, settings[task])
File "/tmp/codalab/tmpWSP8zK/run/program/evaluate_tasks.py", line 35, in evaluate_object_detection
ious = bbox_overlaps(bboxes_pred, bboxes_gt)
File "/tmp/codalab/tmpWSP8zK/run/program/utils.py", line 99, in bbox_overlaps
bboxes1 = bboxes1.astype(np.float32)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'astype'
Dear participant,
Thanks for reporting the error. The test phase is set to open tomorrow (Sat Jun 4 00:01), this will be fixed by then.
PS: There was an error due to which the phase opened a day early, sorry for any inconvenience caused.