2023 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest Track 1 Forum

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> A Letter to Participants

Dear Participants,

Thanks for your interest in the IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest 2023 (DFC23). The DFC23 has been running for more than 45 days and we are glad to see the records keep being broken. Since the test phase is slowly approaching, we kindly remind you about important dates and rules.

Regarding the calendar, please pay special attention to the following dates:
- February 28: Short description of the approach in 1-2 pages for each track is sent to iadf_chairs@grss-ieee.org (using the IGARSS paper template: https://2023.ieeeigarss.org/Papers/paper_kit.php#Templates)
- March 7: Release of test data; evaluation server begins accepting test submissions
- March 13: Evaluation server stops accepting submissions
- March 15: Updated and final description of the approach

Regarding the rules, please note the following (see also https://www.grss-ieee.org/technical-committees/image-analysis-and-data-fusion/?tab=data-fusion-contest):
- Each team needs to submit a short paper of 1–2 pages clarifying the used approach, the team members, their Codalab accounts, and one Codalab account to be used for the test phase by February 28, 2023. Please send a paper to iadf_chairs@grss-ieee.org using the IGARSS paper template.
- Only teams that have submitted the short description complete with all information will be admitted to the test phase.
- The submission server of the development phase will be closed on March 7, 2023 at 21:59 UTC-12 hours.
- The submission server of the test phase will be opened on March 7, 2023 at 23:59 UTC-12 hours. The deadline for result submission and final description is March 15, 2023, 23:59 UTC-12 hours (e.g., March 16, 2023, 6:59 in New York City, 12:59 in Paris, or 19:59 in Beijing).
- The maximum number of trials of one team is five per day in the test phase.
- Important: Only team members explicitly stated on these documents will be considered for the next steps of the DFC, i.e., being eligible to be awarded as winners and joining the author list of the respective potential publications (IGARSS23 and JSTARS articles). Furthermore, no overlap among teams is allowed, i.e., one person can only be a member of one team. Adding more team members after the end of the development phase, i.e., after submitting these documents is not possible.

Thanks for your participation and we wish you a pleasant experience in the competitions.

Best regards,
DFC23 Committee

Posted by: dfc2023.iecas @ Feb. 20, 2023, 5:51 a.m.
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