Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning 2022 - Homework 1 Forum

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Title Started by Date created Latest post Posts
Welcome Message an2dl.competitions Nov 08, 2022 1 year, 10 months 2
Admitted libraries sara.paratico Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 9 months 3
Submission procedure Nikolina Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 4
Total submissions alessandroo Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 6
IMPORTANT: use of external data an2dl.competitions Nov 11, 2022 1 year, 10 months 1
INSIGHT INTO EVALUATION RULES an2dl.competitions Nov 14, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Opencv library issue an2dl.competitions Nov 16, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
TIME LIMIT FOR PHASE 2 EXTENDED an2dl.competitions Nov 24, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
Meaning of "post-processing on the test" MatteoBollini Nov 24, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
Model to submit in the final phase giovanni.chiurco Nov 24, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Questions on final submission email dario_ostinelli Nov 24, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
New Model on Phase 2 Nicomane Nov 24, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
number of submission in phase 2 AlessandroLucatelli Nov 23, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
RESOURCE EXHAUSTED : failed to allocate memory ElliottDubuisson Nov 23, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Custom Loss Function simogiaco Nov 23, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Submission error Gregorio Nov 21, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
BadZipfile: zipfiles that span multiple disks are not supported aletierno Nov 20, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
Maximum dimension of zip delivery file alessandroo Nov 20, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Maximum number of pages in the report and references to journal articles EB-AN2DL Nov 19, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Failed to upload julia.bujosa Nov 19, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
Warning: The compute queues are congested Emiliano Nov 19, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
number of submissions left Enricomagliulo Nov 19, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
Report onur Nov 19, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Submissions showed as "Submitted" and not evaluated francesco3 Nov 19, 2022 1 year, 9 months 7
Submission error Lasse Nov 18, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
SUBMISSION ERROR federica_spuriforotti Nov 17, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
Submission Error kodai Nov 15, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
SUBMITTING problem carlotta_pagani Nov 15, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Final zip folder DianaNigrisoli Nov 14, 2022 1 year, 9 months 2
Good validation performance but test results at submitting become worse MigMig Nov 14, 2022 1 year, 9 months 3
Looking for a teammate SimonJasselette Nov 14, 2022 1 year, 9 months 1
Problem to submit file using VGG16 pedrohgian Nov 13, 2022 1 year, 9 months 3
Class Distribution on test set riccardo_donati Nov 11, 2022 1 year, 10 months 1
Submission ciceri_alessandro Nov 11, 2022 1 year, 10 months 3
looking for a team dave Nov 11, 2022 1 year, 10 months 1
libraries Enricomagliulo Nov 10, 2022 1 year, 10 months 2
Restore best weights before reducing LR axelitama Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 2
Looking for a team Eric.bluteau Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 1
Looking for a team ilariaferrari Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 2
Looking for a team! Soli98 Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 1
Looking for a team Sphrd Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 1
CS student looking for a team Vel Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 2
mac with intel local GPU nicola.cecere Nov 09, 2022 1 year, 10 months 2
Looking for a team antoine.vd Nov 08, 2022 1 year, 10 months 2
I'm looking for a team! luigi_01 Nov 08, 2022 1 year, 10 months 2
Looking for a team Wary Nov 08, 2022 1 year, 10 months 1